See documents are first and printing applications. It is capable of displaying over 400 different file formats whthout permission. Type of material support images, 2D/3D CAD, office, and design a electronic, text and html etc. Moreover, when you look at the files you need List file types. First file automatically detects the type of file you are asked to look - file Even for expanding false! Supporting documentation forms, and Bitmap: BMP, JPEG, JPG, JP2, JPF, J2K, J2C, JPC, JPX , PCX, PNG, TIF, TIFF, GIF, TGA, ICO, WPG, XWD, img, Mac, NRG, ppm, A11, word processing : MDB, DBF, DB, DBM, FRM, TDFIFF, LBM, RLE, CDR, cut the DBX, PR, Race: xls, XLT , 123, WR3, WR1, WRK, WKQ, WQ1, WB1, WB2, WB3, WK4M, WK3, WRL database, language, WPD, WS , WRI, SAM, STY, RTF, txt image vector: PDF, PPT, WMF, WPG, VOD, MP, SVG, PCL, EMF, EMZ, CMX, SDW 2D/3D CAD DWG, DXF, DWF, DST, DXB, DRW, SLD, SLB, IDW, IPT, IDV, IAM, IDE, PRT, PCI, PLT, exp, ASM, meeting, CGR, CGM, JT, CMP, HGL, CSHP, IGES, MI, two, PS, EPS , SDP, DFT, par, PRT, VDA, WRL Electronic Design: DPF, DPL, BRD, DRA, AEW, tar , GZ, PLT, CPM, DSN, CAF, EDF, GDS, MCM, GBL, REM, SCH, PCB, CAD, PDF, PDIF, PCB, SCH , SCM, DDB |